I am immensely pleased with the recent opening of the exhibition “La Invención Concreta” in the Museo Reina Sofia of Madrid for two reasons. The first one has to do with the fact that it is the most comprehensive exhibition of the Colección Patricia Phelps de Cisneros (CPPC) held so far, and it is also the first time that this Collection has been shown in Europe. This has significance that is extremely important for us. Ever since we started our activities in the Fundacion Cisneros back in the 80s, our goal has always been to contribute to education, and the CPPC has been part of it. Today I can say that educational programs that we developed with great success in Venezuela and other countries of the Americas have reached educational communities of Peru, Argentina, Chile, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Mexico and even the Antarctic.

Thus, to be able to take 200 art works to the Reina Sofia Museum, one of the largest in Europe, is to give continuity to this conviction and commitment we have with education.  The fact that people from different countries of the world can walk the halls of the Reina Sofia and enjoy  magnificent works of renowned artists like Cruz Diez, Joaquin Torres Garcia, Gego, Helio Oiticica, Lygia Clark and many others, is to offer a new vision of Latin America and its artistic  evolution. Moreover, this exhibition also features parallel activities for much of this year, which will enable the Reina Sofia visitors to participate in artistic and intellectual exchanges between Spain and Latin America, as well as the development and evolution of modernity and vanguard in our continent. Furthermore, La Invención Concreta goes far beyond the exhibition because it offers the public all kinds of interactive experiences within a large multimedia program that provides didactic information for each art work.

The second reason that makes me feel extremely satisfied with this exhibition is that as I mentioned sometime ago in an interview, I am convinced that this is the decade of Latin America.  To be able to contribute to it, enabling public from all over the world learn about the development of Latin American modernity, is something that makes me deeply proud.

I invite you to explore the exhibition though the following link: www.lainvencionconcreta.org