
I recently attended the XXII Latin American Summit (Cumbre Iberoamericana) in Cadiz, Spain, where I  participated as a speaker about one of the most important topics in media industry: content development for global audiences.

During my presentation, I described the extraordinary wealth of our region, and the fact that we don´t make the most of it, probably because we are not aware of the best ways to position America as a key region for global development.  For that reason, I proposed to create a “Supranational Commission” to distribute information about Latin America, facts and events to other continents.

Keeping this potential  in mind, in the specific case of media industry, I considered two key issues to address this new decade during my presentation:

1) To keep developing innovative formats, according to audiences requirements.

2) To evolve hand in hand with the new technologies.

During the forum, I was able to attend  to  the opinions of business leaders, like Jose Antonio Vera, President of Agencia EFE (the Spanish news agency), Leopoldo Gonzalez-Echenique, President of Corporación Radio Televisión Española, and Juan Luis Cebrian, President of Grupo Prisa among others. We all agreed that the main challenge for usin the industry is to capitalize all the potential and the economic growth  of our region.

Highlights Communication Forum


Recently, the Family Business Institute (Instituto de Empresas Familiares) held its National Conference in Barcelona, Spain.  More than 400 people attended the inaugural luncheon, chaired by Prince Felipe of Spain, to listen to different presentations on family businesses and their potential for growth.

I had the opportunity to participate as a speaker about my greatest passion:  Latin America.  During my presentation, I described the region, its new look, and how  it has become a big successful site for  foreign investment due to the positive changes it has experienced in the last twenty years, which have generated solid incentives to potential partners and stakeholders

Without a doubt, Latin America offers today amazing opportunities together with natural resources, vast lands from north to south and an extensive population.

Cooperation and partnerships have proved to be right in the path of development for Latin America, which today shows a promising and stable outlook to the world. Only in 2011, there was $13,810 million USD of IED (Inversión extranjera directa) through so-called “multi-Latin” corporations in countries such as Mexico, Chile, Brazil and Colombia.

I am proud to be a witness and a spokesman of the region progress and development, and to put up everybody´s effort to continue betting on the time of Latin America.

Key statements by Gustavo Cisneros during his intervention at the Congreso de Instituto de Empresas Familiares